Updatez 4 Club Penguin

Archive for June 2008

Here is what’s in-store for today (Friday) There is a new Sport Catalog and Rockhopper Returns.


The cheats for this Sports Catalog are below:

  • Click on the Soccerball to get the Cleats
  • Click on the Two Starfish and click on the Orange Surfboard to get the Silver Surfboard

Rockhopper has came back to Club Penguin and brought back some items. Here they are:

Here is the free item (It is a Parrot)

Here is a new item (Striped Sash Dress)

Here is a returning Furniture Item (Ship in a Bottle)

Here is another returning item with different colors (Gray Pirate Coat)

How did you like the new Sport Catalog and Rockhopper’s Items? I think both are preety cool.

